Episode 2: The Rise of DevOps – Overcoming Software Delivery Challenges.
In these blog posts, Karthi shares Happiest Minds’ perspective on the rise of DevOps as a key to overcome software delivery challenges.
While developers want to deliver changes quickly, operations want reliability and stability. Lee Thomson describes this as a wall of confusion. We need a bottom-up approach to address the long history of contentiousness between development and operations, make both teams work together achieving a more agile delivery cycle by breaking this wall of confusion. This approach that pushes development and operations teams to collaborate and fix the organizational issues that were forcing them apart, is termed as DevOps.
Devops (a portmanteau of development and operations) is a software development method that stresses communication, collaboration and integration between software developers and information technology (IT) operations professionals.
Principles of DevOps
We had discussed the challenges of software delivery in Episode1. In order to address those challenges, we have set out a definitive and foundational approach based on certain principles. Embracing Devops starts with following the five basic principles – Culture, Automation, Lean, Metrics and Sharing.

- Five Basic Principles of DevOps
- Eliminate the blame game, Open post-mortems, Feedback, Rewarding failures
- Continous Delivery, Monitoring, Configuration Management
- Focus on business value for end user in small increments
- Performance, Logs, People Integration Metrics, KPI
- Ideas, Plans, Goals, Metrics, Problems, Tools
Now, what are the benefits of DevOps?
Business Benefits
- Faster delivery (increase in Time-to-Market), Agility in Operations
- Great culture in the organization
- Stable software
- More time for new innovation & features – no more firefighting
Technical Benefits
- Continous Software Delivery
- Automation Domination – No error prone manual deployments and efforts
- Proper Configuration & Environment Management
- Faster Deployments
- Better Quality – Automated testing, decrease cost/time to test
- Reduction in Defect Cycle Time – Ability to reproduce fast and fix defects
- Minimum Rollbacks in production
Stay tuned to understand the Happiest Minds DevOps Approach!

Karthiga has 14 years of rich experience in IT with expertise in DevOps, Engineering Services, Build and Release Management. She currently leads DevOps Practice in Happiest Minds. Karthi has great passion for automation and implementing Devops end-to-end. She has a Masters degree in Business Administration and holds a Bachelors degree in Electronics & Communication Engineering.