Software Quality Assurance The metamorphosis
By Deepak Baliga On 26 Jul 2012From the late 1870s when a system flaw was detected through a conscious action of testing and termed as a bug by Thomas Alva Edison to the age of robotic arm based human simulators for testing mobile devices, software testing...
Mobile, Cloud and Big data are bright trends for open source
By Vippan Kumar On 25 Jul 2012The wheels of open source are strongly moving forward, just as suggested it would be in my post ‘ Storm over Open Source looks Unabated’. When glancing inside the sphere of open source technology, you will find many good reasons...
Social Experience Design
By Rupa.Shankar On 24 Jul 2012Beyond the Like Button to Social Experience Design Most organizations understand the impact of social media and are diligently increasing their social presence and level of customer engagement across social networks. Additionally, all sorts of websites, not just the major...
LEAN – Providing Wrong Service The Right Way Is Waste
By Kanchan Sood On 24 Jul 2012Critical starting point for LEAN thinking is value. It is important to understand that value is created by the producer but defined by the end consumer. One of the best illustrations of this backwards thought-process is the current-day airline industry....
Beyond SMS Ads to Customer Insights and Offers: Heres The Next Generation Mobile Marketing Ecosystem
By Rupa.Shankar On 18 Jul 2012Currently, mobile marketing makes up just a small portion of the online advertising market. Yet its potential is highthanks to its ability to specifically target consumers with interactive marketing offers at any time. That potential appears especially high when it...
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