Changing Landscapes of IoT
By Sandeep Agarwal On 21 Mar 2016The Internet of Things is evolving rapidly. From connected machines to living in the data-driven world and preparing for challenges, IoT is changing the conventional way of doing business. Here are some reasons to why IoT has become a large...
M2M/ IoT Protocols: An Introduction
By Shanmugasundaram M On 3 Feb 2016M2M and IoT are taking the world by storm. The things around us are becoming smarter, intelligent, seamlessly connected and interacting with each other. However, the real question is what language or protocol does all these devices will communicate with...
IOT & M2M: Simplifying the “Smart” Code
By Sreejit Menon On 9 Dec 2015The term “Internet of Things” or IOT was coined by the British Technologist Kevin Ashton, who co-founded the Auto-ID Center at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) in 1999. He mentioned the term in the context of defining a new system...
Web Summit 2015: The Tech World Musings From Dublin
By Kiran Veigas On 5 Nov 2015Grown from the 400 attendees five years back to the current 22000 tech enthusiasts, the Web Summit 2015 continues to deliver innovative ideas and fascinating thoughts to the tech world gathered at the bustling RDS venue, Dublin. Cars and technology...
Mood Sensing: Home Automation and Online Ads Use Case
By Aditya Basu On 15 May 2015Home automation system has reached a revolutionary stage where any person with home automation at his place can control action of its home appliances with just a touch on his screen and everything then is done by appliances itself. With...
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