A little gem for those who like to emote their status and comment thread (in Drupal based website) with not just text, but also visuals…just like Facebook’s photo comments feature. Our newly contributed module ‘Drupal Wall’ allows you to post the status on a user’s profile in the form of text, image or video, and give picture-to-picture reply. Simply, it gives you more choices to add more fun to your status/post with funny and sweet pictures.
Logged user can post comments on any user’s status. Visitors can only view the status and comments of any user (by default). While the permission of View/ Delete/ Edit can also be set by the administrator. The user can delete only that post or comment which he/ she has submitted to other profile. Posts on user’s own profile can also be easily deleted or edited instantly via AJAX.
- Post normal or rich text content status
- Share photos & videos
- Comment on users’ posts
- Like users’ status and their comments instantly via AJAX
- Logged user can edit/delete their own post
- Logged users can delete their own posts as well comments which they have posted on their and other’s profiles instantly via AJAX
- Filter wall posts according to type of status (photo, video or/ & text message)
- Wall Limit: get number of wall posts with a given range
- “Show older Post” button to view users’ old wall posts instantly via AJAX

Vippan Kumar is a Marketing and Communications professional with 9 years experience working in the dynamic B2B marketing environment. He spends his energy in strategizing, writing, reviewing a variety of content for demand generation and pre-sales support. He enjoys developing company literature like web content, whitepapers, case studies, blogs and opinion posts for different channels. He has a keen interest in digital transformation and next-generation technology like IoT, AI, and Analytics. He always likes to learn new skills. Reading, volunteering, and sports are his hobbies.