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Web Real Time Communication (RTC) – is it the future of communication?
The hype on WebRTC in recent years seems to have no end. All you web developers out there; this is a great time to be what you are!
WebRTC is Real Time Communications (RTC) between web browsers. It is an API (Application Program Interface) standard that enables rich and high-quality real-time voice, text and video communications. It is a browser based peer-peer communication. The WebRTC initiative is a project supported by Google, Mozilla and Opera and is maintained by the Google Chrome team. Even though browsers like Firefox, Chrome etc already support WebRTC,it is still in the inception stage and these browsers are yet to adopt different products of real time communication.
Audio and video streaming from browser to browserand opening access to camera and microphone, is already creating a whole new dynamic web. WebRTC hostsreal-time data channels that allow interaction with active data feeds from sensors and other devices.
The WebRTC standard solves a very common problem that real-time communicators face. For eg: to place audio or video calls from a computer, users need to download software and create accounts. In WebRTC, the web browser “is” the “application”, and it facilitates browser-to-browser communication, without a necessary software download or registration. The browsers themselves include all the capabilities needed to support the standard.
There will be no element of surprise if Android’s next product release supports WebRTC on chrome which unleashes users for the next level of communication. WebRTC uses advanced codecs for audio & video communications and by default supports Secure Real Time Protocol (SRTP), which uses advanced encryption and authentication techniques for better communications. So far we have been using Skype, Google talk etc for video calls; no sooner than later, we can make video calls between Chrome and Firefox browsers without the need for any additional software installations. Startup firms have already begun developing apps based on WebRTCAPI, since its browser allows a developer to build apps on audio, video & instant messaging which runs from any website, without the need of add-ins, flash players or java plug-ins.
The effect of WebRTC on communication is yet to be seen, but the results and solutions will change the way communication takes place in the present times. The apps and solutions it offers will not only throw a curve on the telecom service providers but also make the video Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) nervous. Even if Telecom manufacturers like Avaya/Cisco/Polycom etc implement WebRTC to their products, browser based communication will change the way in which it is being used.