Many companies today are seeing that digital transformation can help them remain competitive and continue to create business value for their customers and themselves. Companies that are missing this opportunity risk losing their competitive position.
And digital is not about technology anymore, it is about improving your customer’s experience and improving business efficiencies for your team.
As a way to start thinking about this, here are a few questions:
What can digital do for you? Do you have clarity on that? How might another organization help address these questions in a joint effort with you?
We at Happiest Minds Technologies are seeing how Digital Transformation is helping companies in several ways. For example, a highly-respected IT consulting firm is leveraging digital content to increase revenue from existing clients and generate revenue from new prospects they could not effectively serve before. A global investment bank is enhancing financial regulatory compliance by partnering with an outside firm to execute new digital processes.
More generally, digital transformation can enable business agility, allowing a company to compete better on speed and flexibility. This can help build more productive and stronger partnerships with customers. Digital Transformation is also helping some companies improve efficiencies and customer experience at the same time.
Some of the strongest competitors are prepared to embrace and exploit newly emerging digital services and processes to improve business results. How about you?

Douglas is a former Happiest Mind and this content was created and published during his tenure.