Why The Digital Age Makes Customer Experience More Relevant Than Ever Before?
By Shantanu Paknikar On 15 Dec 2015Customer Experience (Cx) as a concept is age old. Among Peter Drucker's famous quotes, one of my favorites is "The purpose of a business is to create and keep a customer". Companies the world over have accepted this simple truth....
7 Focus Areas for Customer Experience Management
By Shantanu Paknikar On 23 Sep 2015For those familiar with Michael Porter's work, strategy is about differentiation. In the digital era, there is a growing consensus that differentiation will depend on how service providers manage their customers' experience. Strategy then will need to increasingly focus on...
Five Parameters That Influence Customer Experience
By Shantanu Paknikar On 22 Sep 2015The analyst firm Forrester defines customer experience as “How customers perceive their interactions with your company.” Read More. Here are my thoughts on what are some of the factors and parameters which influence these perceptions. 1.Expectation Management: Customer perceptions about...
CRM Customer Engagement Customer Experience Omni channel Technology
Digital Disruptions: The 4 7 10 Effect
By Shantanu Paknikar On 24 Aug 2015A picture speaks a thousand words and a movie perhaps speaks thousands of pictures. One basic requirement with photography (especially motion pictures) was that of a screen, to project the images (whether still or motion pictures). Similarly, the advent of...
Digital Enterprise Digital Marketing Digital Strategy Digital Transformation Disruptive Technology
By Shantanu Paknikar On 16 Jul 2015Loyalty Programs, where customers earn reward points that can be redeemed for benefits later, are popular across industries such as Retail, Travel, Hospitality, Banking, Airlines, and others. Such programs have been around for several years. However as enterprises and their...
Consumer Engagement Customer Engagement Customer Experience Digital Enterprise Social
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