Enterprise applications are not always designed and developed to keep- up with emerging & disruptive technologies and still be relevant after a 2- 3 year time- frame. The perceived business risk of truing- up and/ or re- factoring in- business- operation applications to take full advantage of evolving technologies is very high. Therefore, the relatively inexpensive pay- per-use model is perhaps what drove the lift and shift approach to migrate applications to cloud: private, hybrid or public. How then do we formulate our methodologies to derive the best out of cloud computing environments?
A common observation we have made with the lift and shift approach is that the end- user experience suffers all too quickly with the growing complexity of business transaction processes and volumes. Transactions not just tends to begin running slow or get timed out, but also causes insufficiency for businesses to through volumes of compute and storage capacity at once. Thus, getting to the root and solving this problem requires to think beyond compute capacity and address the right capability.
Even if VMs are spun up and down every so often, over time, the VMs distribution across nodes become un- managed section would result in cost escalation, performance issues and loss of control. In case of hybrid or public cloud deployments, enterprise IT tends to lose control over the performance of cloud applications. This problem only compounds when you have to deal with enterprise cloud integration, with Big Data and Analytics. However, a slow but sure adoption of IoT services is becoming imperating due to increasing data crunching and communication needs.
The first step is to gear up enterprise applications and make them multi- tenated. Going beyond the initial boost from capacity virtualization can equip the applications to leverage absolute Cloud computing capabilities. In other words, concepts like application(s) as Shared Services, Integration PaaS or xPaaS in general or API Economy are best realized when Applications are designed to be riding on Cloud, and not just being Cloud- Ready.
In the Cloud journey of evolution, what the C-level struggles with is to identify the right set of IT Assets which would leverage the biggest bang for their bucks. From the right set of tools and expertise which bring down the break- even period of their investment to a single dashboard view of this transformation journey, end to end.
The real challenge of the IT development & operations team is to connect the impact of C- level cloud strategy with day- to- day business impact.
Happiest Minds integrated cloud offerings along with its indigenous KloudRyderTM platform is designed to help its customer with strategic assessment, seamless Migration, and achieve a truly federated and connected enterprise. We help connect the dots between any form of On- Premise and Cloud Assets and deliver to you a single pane for continuous monitoring and management of enterprise cloud services – all of these leading to a Smart and Connected Enterprise.
Some of our key service initiatives that have helped the cloud adoption journey simpler and assured for our customers are:
- Consulting Services for the Right Business Case, Right Cloud, Right place to start the journey.
- Establish Shared Service base charging model for Apps, Services using API Economy.
- Application (X) as a Services, XaaS.
- Integrating On-Premise, Cloud and Partner Assets, almost non- invasively.
- Seamless Migration to Cloud or re-build.
- SaaS based solution for some of the cherry picked Industry use cases – e.g. Customer Engagement, Customer Brand and Loyalty.
- Omni- Channel Customer Experience.
- Effective management of a hybrid cloud environment and cost optimization.
- Proactive automation to reduce the incidents deliver higher performance.
- Orchestration of the public cloud environment and meet or exceed service levels committed.
- Professional partner to cloud service providers for seamless applications and data migration.
- Data, Application, Infrastructure, Identity and Access – security solutions from the cloud for the

Raju is a former Happiest Mind and this content was created and published during his tenure.