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Identity of Things


Due to the increasing need of the consumers and to reduce the complexity of life, new technologies are emerging daily. Right now, the world is experiencing the Identity of Thing (IdoT). Identity of Things involves assigning a unique numeric or alphanumeric string to each object or devices, which allows them to connect and communicate with other entities through the Internet. Identity of Things is an essential component of the Internet of Things (IoT), in which anything can be addressed and networked for exchange of the data online. For making effective communication with the entities, more information is required for the devices. The number of companies using connected devices to build their products and services is increasing, which are mostly depended on the Identity of Things. The essential elements of identities of IoT are relationships, context-awareness, and authentication.  

IoT-the Identity of Things

IoT-the Identity of Things, but not the Internet of Things 

A few years ago, the Internet of Things was the most significant burst in the world of technology. Consumer needs are unlimited, and as time passes, new technologies have emerged. Now the experts have started shifting technical and business approach from the Internet of Things to Identity of Things. 

Internet of Things is becoming complex, and it will be critical soon. In today’s world, it is not necessary to manage the identity of a person connected to a device between two interconnected devices, application or services. But the current ecosystem of Identity of Things there is some interaction amongst all entities, and it is secured. There are many reports which forecast on the number of things related to the internet in 2025 will be 75 billion, almost triple the number of devices in 2019. Identity of Thing plays an essential role in reducing the complexity and for easy access. The identity management for IoT provides a range of benefits in the form of device management, predictive failure management, and automation.

Future of identity of things

Future of identity of things

The future is full of possibilities, and the technology is developing day by day. To increase the revenue and loyalty of the organization, IoT should unify user identities, devices, and data to deliver consistent, personalized customer experience. Current growth and requirements for IoT are focused on interoperability and device connectivity. The Identity of Things has a high risk, and the identity experts are working on it to find solutions which reduce the risk. Identity governance will be the key to make sure that entities can communicate with each other and perform the tasks.

The future of IoT can actualize and integrate everything over remote processing control systems that includes automobile industry, robotic systems, health monitoring devices, environment control system and everything else. IoT can link most of today’s physical devices, equipment and machines within and outside of an organization to digital technology. 

The combinational effect of data fusion will obtain benefits resulting in the ability to mine, correlate, integrate and map or fuse IoT device-generated sensor and other data to provide insights into predictive simulations.

The combination of IoT devices and data analytics will lead to better business growth like:

  • Most of the centralized functionswill become self-monitoring that allows real-time allocation.
  • Cost-effective through improved utilization and productivity gains.
  • Creating a better decision metrics with the help of better research data and predictive analytics.
  • Data fusion between context locationand state of related objects.
  • Providing real-time analytics and application feedback based on current conditions.
  • All these intelligence advancementsin business help the enterprises to achieve a real business outcome.


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