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Best Practices for hardware board design using Intel Processors

When we think of a processor, the first brand that comes to our mind is Intel. Undoubtedly, Intel has been a leader in the processor segment since the inception of the very first processor. Today, Intel processors/chipsets are used in…

High-speed Board Design – A fascinating challenge for Hardware Designers

With the rise of Digitalization, there has been a consequent increase in the amount of digital data that is processed, stored and transmitted. However, the main challenge for HW designers is with the design, especially with PCB layout, in such…

Bricks Clicks & Marketplaces

A 21st century retail roadmap for digital transformation

Data Path acceleration techniques in a NFV world

NFV is a revolutionary approach offering greater flexibility and scalability in the deployment of virtual network functions. It provides significant advantages over the current vendor-locking infrastructure using physical network functions. 

Mixed Language Acceleration Using FPGA

For a while, GPGPU has been able to offload process intensive tasks to the GPU, rather than relying on the CPU to do everything...

Innovative Digital Customer Engagement & Experience in Retail Automobile sector

Empowering Retail automobile sector with Digital transformation

It’s Time To Make The Switch To Software Defined Networking

How SDN can help Enterprises, Service Providers and Equipment Manufacturers build Networks that are both business ready and ready for business

The Role of IoT in Providing Security, Efficiency & Accessibility in Education

Technologies such as 3D positioning can monitor the students all the time and report their presence at any point in time. IoT can add tremendous value in terms of increasing the security of the Schools.

Know Your Buyer: A predictive approach to understand online buyers’ behaviour

Understand your customers to offer the right products and services in their moments of need.

The Future of Experience with Virtual and Augmented Reality

With all the advances in technology can we avoid becoming a silo’ed society and can it have a positive impact on relationships? Maybe. The solution lies in Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (AR) integrated with 3D Hologram.

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