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User Behaviour based Anomaly Detection for Cyber Network Security

Combating the inside threat requires reimagining cybersecurity – and embracing predictive analytics to the core.

SDWAN – Re-architecting WAN with Software Defined Networking

SDN (Software Defined Networking) is an emerging focus area in the world of networking. This architectural approach of decoupling the software(Control-plane) from the Hardware (Forwarding plane) is opening opportunities towards network programmability and flexibility in network construction from the legacy…

Moving into a Smart Energy Retail Store

The Retail sector is one of the most celebrated industry verticals which witnessed paradigm changes as a result of  e-commerce revolution. 

The Power of Games: How to Generate a Successful Gamification Strategy

Gamification is about taking the essence of games—fun, play, transparency, design and challenge—and applying it to real-world objectives.

Microsoft App-V– Benefits

Applications can run without installation through a technology called Microsoft Virtualization (App-V). Microsoft App-V Software delivery uses a process called, Application Push that enables the users to PULL or STREAM applications as and when they need them. App-V  liminates the…

The Changing Space of IT Infrastructure Monitoring

The IT infrastructure landscape has seen a sea of changes in the last few years, thanks to evolving technologies, new business models and ever- changing market demands. The business, market, and the consumer demands are the driving force behind these…

An Approach to Mixed Dataset Clustering and Validation with ART-2 Artificial Neural Network Model

ART (Adaptive Resonance Theory)/ART-2 neural network models work on the principal that identification of objects/vectors into classes occur from two sources of information viz. top down retained knowledge (long term memory)and expectation and bottom up inputs and information (short term…

Banking Digitalization | Revolution | A way forward

“Digital” is the new buzz word in the banking sector, with banks all around the globe shifting towards digitalization.

Heuristic Risk-Based Test Automation

Risk-based testing helps us meet all the above by prioritizing and reducing scope which helps tester to find bugs early in the cycle and also manage testing in a smaller duration of time. Automating the whole process of prioritizing optimizes…

Anticipative Cognition and its Impact on Personalization in Business

With the advancements in the cognitive computing field, several capabilities and features which are being carried out manually can now be handled with minimum human intervention.

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