CIO Focus Summit UK
Date: October 17th, 2018 Venue: Whittlebury Hall, Silverstone
The CIO Focus Summit aims at providing clear focus to the challenges that organizations face in their day to day activities. They address these challenges with their Summit Chair and Advisory Board of Speakers within a peer on peer environment through the medium of Workshops, Panel Debates, Round Tables and Meetings.
Happiest Minds Technologies is delighted to be a part of the CIO Focus Summit, UK. Priya Kanduri, VP and Head of Innovation & Security, Srikant Menon, Director, IoT COE, Amit Joshi, Director – Business Development and Manoj Rai, General Manager, IMSS, will be part of the summit and would showcase various services and solutions on IoT Security and Infrastructure Management.
We would love to meet you and explore, how Happiest Minds Technology can be the partner in your journey towards IT Security.
To schedule, a meeting with us at Disruptive Technologies & ICT Risk meet click here.
To know more about our IT Security offerings click here.