Intel Network Builders Meetup Jan’17: “Enabling Virtualization in SDN and NFV world on IA”
Date: Wednesday, 25th Jan 2017, from 2.00 to 2.45pm Venue: Hotel Royal Orchid, Bangalore, India
Happiest Minds is delighted to speak at the Intel Network Builders Meetup about Software defined Security and how Intel technologies can help address some of these pressing challenges. We are an Intel Network Builder and have been leveraging Intel technology solutions for various next generation SDN and NFV use cases and deployment projects.
Virtualizing network functions on commodity x86 based servers brings its own challenges. Sharing resources among virtual functions and added software layers of hypervisor, soft switches etc. before the packet gets onto the Network Function are some of them. This meetup will focus on giving the attendees a flavor of some of the tools and technologies being used to resolve some of these pressing issues by blending perspectives provided by industry members and Intel.
For more details, email us at [email protected]