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What is Apache Cassandra?

Black-box Testing is a method of software testing that inspects the functionality and the non-functionality of an application without having to peer into its internal structure. Every level of Black-box testing, regardless of whether it is based on units, integrity or acceptance, has innate high level testing tools. The purpose of the test is to not reveal the application’s code, internal structure or programming language in general at any point. The tester although is licensed to be aware of the outcome of the software, is not given the access to know how it functions, retaining the confidentiality of the concerned application. For e.g., input A maybe the result of input B, but what causes the affect is concealed.

Key features of Apache Cassandra

Transaction Support: Cassandra delivers atomicity, consistency, durability and isolation by using commit logs for capturing writes and built-in redundancies.

Ease of Data Distribution: Big Data Cassandra gives businesses the flexibility to distribute data easily by replicating it across multiple data centres on-premise, off-premise or in hybrid environments. It automatically syncs the reads and writes to a node across the cluster.

Elastic Scalability: Cassandra allows business to easily add to their online capacity to accommodate more customers and data whenever required.

Flexible Storage: An advanced big data tool, Cassandra can accommodate a wide range of data formats, including unstructured, semi-structured and structured. It can also accommodate changes required in the data structures as a result of changing business needs.

Operational Simplicity: This big data tool ensures that all the nodes in the cluster are the same, ensuring easy administration and configuration management.

Good Architecture: Cassandra does not have a single point of failure, which ensures continuous availability of mission-critical applications.

Fast Linear Scaling: Big Data Cassandra ensures sub-second response times with linear scalability, helping businesses meet customer expectations.

CAP: The CAP theorem states that you have to pick two of Consistency, Availability, Partition tolerance: You can’t have the three but Cassandra provide simple setting to switch between AP or CP

Functionality of Apache Cassandra

Cassandra writes data on multiple nodes to ensure seamless information availability in case of a node failure. The snitches ensure that replica nodes containing the same information are never on the same rack. In the event of node overutilization, big data Cassandra restores balance with the help of virtual nodes.

Cassandra writes data on multiple nodes to ensure seamless information availability in case of a node failure. The snitches ensure that replica nodes containing the same information are never on the same rack. In the event of node overutilization, big data Cassandra restores balance with the help of virtual nodes.

Cassandra boasts hinted handoffs that maintain write throughput during node failures. The read repair feature comes into play while processing read requests. Depending on the chosen consistency level, Cassandra processes read requests by reading from a node; however, it also runs a check on all the nodes to ensure that they all have the updated version of the data.

Benefits of Apache Cassandra

  • Cassandra’s a symmetric architecture makes creating and scaling large clusters easy
  • The SQL-like query language makes the transition easy for developers.
  • It allows tuning for performance or consistency or a balance of both.
  • Gigabyte to petabyte scalable.


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